Get Involved at Hope

We are passionate about showing you who Jesus is. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our ministries, outreach projects and mission trips. Join us as we extend our mission beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community. We are strategic about reaching the Los Angeles area for Christ.

Missions Team

Our Missions Team at Hope Church are actively taking the Word to the streets of LA and beyond. If you're interested in helping spread the gospel (either globally or locally), or figuring out how best to serve our homeless population with our Skid Row Missions Team, please connect with us!

To learn more, please contact Stacy Willis.

Our adult ministries cover a ton of subjects, ranging from Men's & Women's Ministries, to Marriage, Family, College and Singles Ministries. If you have any questions about any of these ministries, please feel free to contact us and we can point you to someone who can help out. 

Contact Marcus Chandler with questions.

Adult Ministry

Youth Ministry

In our Youth Ministry, our mission is to help kids and teens find their way back to God, connect with others, and contribute to changing the world. We believe that youth of all ages have the capacity to walk intimately with God, and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through worship, Bible studies and outreach activities.

To learn more, contact Katie Lindholm.

Hope Church - 201 N Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 - (310) 499-9830